


赵本山: 现如今,执照越来越难考了,关系越来越难搞了,媳妇越来越难找了,股票越来越难炒了。这不,刚48块买的股票就被套牢了,这心急火燎的,今天我去证券市场看能否把这只股票高价位卖出去。哎呀,到了。 Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 哎呀,这不是大忽悠吗? Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 荣幸之至。哎呀 ,小样儿,身上穿着名牌西服,手里提着笔记本电脑。怎么地,抢银行发财了? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 怎么能这么说话呢?我是跟着人家炒股炒发的,是股票这位天使娘娘改变了我苍白无力的命运。你这是上这儿卖拐还是卖车来了? Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 改行了,现在的好心人赚不了钱,我也炒股呢。 Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 看你一脸愁容,赔钱了吧?你是散户吧? Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 啊? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 涨了笑赔了哭,不是庄家是散户。 Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 你啥眼神,没看出我的真实身份吗? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 什么身份? Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 不瞒你说,我现在是忽悠集团的董事长,我公司的股票“中国忽悠”准备进行网下申购,我特地亲自到一线市场考察考察。 Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 忽悠,接着忽悠。 Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 信不信由你。听说过平民股神赵百万没有? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 那当然了,怎么? Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 鄙人。 Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 啥?你?! Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 对头。你不信?那好,你今天想买哪只股票?我能知道这只股票是涨是跌?你信不? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 我不信。我今天买中石油,肯定赔不了。 Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 我的妈呀,完了,你指定有病。 Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 我没病啊。你看我腿也好了,脑袋也小了,末梢神经也正常了,聪明的智商也占领了高地了。 Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 没病你买两股,没病买两股。 Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 买就买。我今天就买1000股中石油给你瞧瞧。 Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 看,病得不轻啊。瞧,瞧,中石油跌了吧? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 哎呀,大哥,它怎么说跌就跌了呢? Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 你信我了吗? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 我我我~~~我信,大哥,你说我该怎么办呢? Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 别急,这么着,我先给你来个小学算术题,检查一下你的智力有问题没? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 那大哥你说。 Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 请听题,说你用1块买了100股中国忽悠,那么需要多少钱? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 这也太简单了。100元,对不对? Mitbbs.com

赵本山:别着急,我先向你介绍一下中国忽悠这只股票,我公司总资产万亿,属于大盘蓝筹股,具有超强的成长性,垄断资源明显,年利润增长率预计为1000>以上,公司旗下有无数 个分公司,分公司里有无数成员,每天作案无数次,业绩那真是相当可观,是亚洲最赚钱的企业…… Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 大哥你别说了,赶紧提问题吧。 Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 好的,假如你用1元申购成功1000股,上市合理价位是25元,你算算你的资金变成多少了? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 250啊? Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 看看,默认了吧。那是2500元。连这么简单的题都算错了,250还炒股呢?这样下去,你肯定得赔,晚年就是穷光蛋。 Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 哎呀,大哥,那怎么办呢? Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 别着急,我自有办法。你说你放着好股不炒,偏要买那破石油呢? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 大哥,我糊涂啊。那你能帮我解套吗? Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 没关系,前几年给你卖拐卖车,把你整残疾了,是我对不住你,现在我帮你是应该的。 Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 大哥,那我就买10000股中国忽悠,你看行不? Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 那可不行,中国忽悠还有几个月才能申购,这么地,我先把我手头的股票给你分一部分,就算是哥对你的补偿。 Mitbbs.com

范 伟:行吗?Mitbbs.com

赵本山:绝对的黑马,刚刚的。我认识庄家,明天准备拉升。保赚。每股50元,买不买? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 我买,我买。 Mitbbs.com

(开始网上交易) Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 大哥,你看我的资金不多了,买不了你的股票,哎呀,我的手气不好。 Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 什么手提电脑?啥手提电脑?大兄弟,你要给我我跟你急昂…… Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 对对对,大哥你说得太对了,你把电脑拿去,像我这样的炒股水平,以后也就用不着电脑了。 Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 那我就把它收下了,不过哥不缺这玩意儿,哥打算把它捐给贫困地区。听哥的,完了把中石油卖了, 准备申购我的新股,明白不? Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 明白,明白。 Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 我就喜欢明白人。从今往后好好跟哥学啊,你看哥一开始什么也没有,现在有钱了,哥是股神,你怕啥呢?Mitbbs.com

范 伟: (激动地)大哥,啥也不说了,还是那句话,缘分呢!Mitbbs.com

赵本山: 没关系,中国忽悠上市的时候,我会及时通知你的。后会有期。Mitbbs.com

范 伟: 谢谢啊!Mitbbs.com


madison travel

It will my 3rd time there. Everytime with very different mode.

Life is hard and I must fight a way.



string searching algorithm

Now busy rebuilding C/C++ and algorithm skills। Three more years from this filed, so, in several weeks, just wish to recover 60+% level of what I feel on 2003.

Just now, met a string search, say, "The problem is to search for a pattern string, pat[1॥m], in a text string txt[1..n]। " In university textbooks, it was described as a Boyer-Moore algorithm, which may be the best method. basically, it has two ideas.

The first one, also the key one, is if the mth character is not the end character of our searching pattern string, then the 1 to m characters could just be omitted। then we check next m characters।

The second idea is a supplemental, depends on which the last character is, shift specilized positions*, then check again as idea 1, if not move m positions, if yes, check if a matched pattern found। There is a need for a logic to calculate the shift table.

I believe it is the best idea। though even from the time I learned it, I hate to count the characters one by one। I prefer some direct, maybe "rude" ones. I'm a lazy boy;)

One of this kind of algorithm is Rabin's. Very simple, for the pattern string, C1C2...Cm, I caculate their weighted sum, Sm=C1+C2*3+C3*3**2+...+Cm*3**(m-1). and then... you know that?:)
We're writing C/C++ code and we would always need to make some decisions for the algorithm choice। For this kind of problem, they are aleady in the library. but if we meet with a new type question?

I prefer to the simple one। If no special performance demands, I would always choose a algorithm like Rabin's. My excuse:

1। Easy to implement।
2।Easy to understand and maintain। Our code will be maintained by somebody else, too complex and too gorgeous solution will bring big trouble to the tester and programmer who has to review your code.




借用朋友的帐号查了点东西,看到久违的w3觉得好亲切。虽然一如既往的缺乏营养:)希望能有机会回去做一些项目。四处跑跑,consulting的生活虽然很适应,也比较舒服了,但还是需要能够补偿一下缺少完整项目的遗憾。从学校毕业就一直做service,经历过n多项目,拼起来大概也足够一个完整了,不过越这样就越觉得一个完整参与的必要。呵呵,希望运气够好哦。祝福一下自己。祈祷一下。Eternal father in heaven, pls bless your terrestrial son and he will do as his best. You'll feel pround of him. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen!














阚凯力:如果作为政府的第五公共事业的话,咱不说WIMAX,说WIFI好了,WIMAX在目前阶段来讲,尤其是固定版本的,因为手持终端还不够普及,至少芯片还不成熟,所以它现在主要作为一个无线终极手段,不是直接作为终端的。所以我们说 WIFI好了,全北京市只要几千万的投资,那么政府还需要有收入吗?比如政府修一个立交桥,那就是几个亿,从立交桥上政府有什么收入呢?没有收入,它通过交通便捷提高了城市的公共基础设施,这个服务水平本身既方便了人民生活,又促进了各行各业的发展,政府如果财政上有收入,各行各业一发展了的话,还可以多收点税嘛,这样自然就回来了,何况无线城市所需要的投入如此之小呢?这完全可以用其他的方式来收回。Mitbbs.com




“我知道诸位议员急什么。张勋复辟了,国会又开不成了。可我急的不是这个。我这些日子想的是,咱们本来是共和国啊,可怎么一次又一次地出现封建主义、专制主义的东西?这个问题不解决,复辟就是必然的,共和国就永远是一个泡影!” “共和的观念是平等、自由、博爱——“共和国是平等之国,人们在法律面前一律平等。可民国六年来我们看到的是什么?是各级行政官员都视法律为.土,人民仍被奴役着,被压迫着; “共和国是自由之国,自由是人民的天赋人权。可民国六年来我们看到的是什么?是只有当权者的自由,权力大的有大的自由,权力小的有小的自由,人民没有权力、没有自由; “共和国是博爱之国,人人为我,我为人人。可民国六年来我们看到的是什么?是只有人民对当权者恐惧的‘爱’,当权者对人民口头上的虚伪的‘爱’,那种真诚的真挚的博爱我们看不到。   “共和国是法制之国——“立法是国会。可民国六年来,我们看到的却是行政权力一次又一次肆无忌惮地干涉立法,你不听话,我就收买你,逮捕你,甚至暗杀你。立法者成了行政官员可任意蹂躏的妓女!   “行政是大总统和他统领的文官制度。可民国六年来,我们看到的却是一个打着共和旗帜的‘家天下’;在行政中,我们看不到透明的程序,看不到监督系统,人民不知道他们如何花掉了人民的血汗钱,人民不知道他们把多少钱装进了自己的腰包。共和国的行政应该暴露在阳光下,可我们看到的却是暗箱操作,漆黑一团!   “司法是裁判。它在立法和行政之间,谁犯规,他就亮谁的黄牌、红牌,甚至罚下场去。而裁判的原则是什么?是一部主权在民的共和国宪法!可民国六年来,我们根本没有看到这样一部宪法。就那部不成熟的临时约法也一次又一次地被强奸,被当权者玩弄于股掌之上。 “女士们先生们,我们的民主共和国成立整整六年了,可真正的共和国,她还没有开始!她一次又一次地被各种东西所击败。   “有人说,哦,不是一个人,是许多人,他们说,你说的这些个东西,太虚幻,太遥远,可望而不可及,不符合国情,是个气泡,看着很美丽,一飞上天,嘭,破灭了!这还是好听的。难听的说我是‘孙大炮’,就会放空炮,嘭——响声很大,可什么也没有!他们说,共和国其实就是个称号,还是别说她了,我们想要点实际的东西。 “那我想问问大家,我们到底想要什么?就要这样一个假共和吗?   “如果共和是假的,那我们有的就永远是真专制; “如果共和是假的,那我们有的就永远是真复辟; “如果共和是假的,那我们有的就永远是被奴役! “如果共和错了,那自由就是错的; “如果共和错了,那平等就是错的; “如果共和错了,那博爱就是错的; “不,共和没有错,我追求共和没有错,你们追求共和也没有错,她只是还不完善。美国的共和制不完善,瑞士的共和制也不完善,咱们中华民国新生的共和制更不完善。我们要做的,是一点一滴地完善她,让她更美丽! “我想到的是什么呢?还是民权。我刚才说了,三权分立那是西方的制度,很不完善,他们的立法、司法、行政都是高高在上的权力,很难直接体现民权。所以我想在宪法中规定人民有参政议政的权力。如何体现呢? “一个是考试权。我们中国有考试的传统。可我们把科举废除了,这对大兴新学有好处,是好的;可当官不再考试了,这不好。这叫倒脏水把孩子也倒出去了!这就为任人唯亲、任人唯钱开了一个口子。大家看民国这六年来行政上用的都是什么人?都是袁世凯北洋的人,至今还是如此!所以我们要把考试权还给人民!今后用人行政,凡是我们的公仆都要经过考试。不管是谁,都有机会成为行政官员。 “还有一个就是监察权,这也是我们中国古代就有的。就是皇上有错,御史也可以冒死直谏,风骨凛然。现在,我们应该把这个权力让人民掌管。共和国的人民要人人都是御史,只要发现行政官员有错,就有权力弹劾!对你们国会的某项立法不满,也有权力弹劾。   所以,过去你们制定的共和国宪法,那是学西洋的,叫‘三权宪法’,我今天发明一个新词,叫做‘五权宪法’,就是在立法权、行政权、司法权之外,再加上考试权和监察权。大家不要小看这两项权力,如果‘老三权’不过是代议制度下的间接民权的话,那么我所说的这考试权和监察权就是直接民权!所以真正的‘主权在民 ’不是西方的‘三权宪法’,而是我发明的这个‘五权宪法’!”  “啊”,也就是我设计的这件服装,有人就用我的名字来称呼它,叫‘中山装’—— “大家还不明白,是吧。我告诉你们——这本来是个秘密,连裁缝我都没告诉他——这衣服就是按照我们共和国的理念,按照‘五权宪法’的理念设计出来的。” 这里,我设计了三个扣子,这是让人们记住,共和国的理念就是‘自由、平等、博爱’。” “这里也有三个扣子,这是让人们记住,永远不要忘记人民,就是我们的‘民族、民权、民生’——就是三民主义。”  这些口袋里装的,就是‘五权宪法’,这里装着立法权,这里装着行政权,这里装着司法权,这里装着考试权,哦没了?别急…… 他撩开衣服,露出里面暗兜,监察权在这里装着!这个监察权为什么要藏在里面呢?因为它是人民的杀手锏啊!当权者永远不知道人民什么时候就‘杀’过来弹劾他,所以他要战战兢兢地当官,老老实实地为人民做事!” “我是个疯子是吧?至少是个政治动物。穿衣吃饭都是政治,走路也是政治,开口就是政治。有点傻是吧?不好玩,一点也不好玩!没错。我不要求你们都跟我一样。更不能要求我们的人民天天过我这样的日子。我只是希望,让我们的共和国不是一个词语,不是一个形式,她要成为我们实实在在的生活方式,成为我们牢不可破的信念!因为,历史不是巧合,历史是选择,只有信仰坚定才能创造历史!”


Opera9.23@USB for U3

This afternoon I installed the Opera9.23 for U3. I think it's great for my Sandisk U3 though some obvious flaws.

1. Small and fast.
2. Email integrated. easy to configure gmail and yahoo.
3. Speed Dial is cool.
4. Note function is simple but useful. I can forward my notes to my special gmail address for achive.
5. Contact, email well cooperated.

1. Cannot set interval for checking email.
2. No synchronizing function for Opera U3 and desktop. It's said from 9.50 this function would come, so, just wait.







强赞助人和HP services(notebook)










ksh yourshell.sh or sh yourshell.sh?

Nearlly all bash shell scripts could run in ksh environments and in the past of my years of writing and executing shell scripts I rarely noticed the difference of these two way.

but it is different, I know that.

here's example which will show some point...

PS shell variable

Changing your Command Prompt (the PS1 shell variable)

The UNIX shell displays a command prompt when the system is ready to accept commands on the command line. The default command prompt is a single character (typically $ or #).

Changing or customizing the command prompt makes your life easier when jumping from system to system, or when logging in as multiple users on a single system (e.g. your personal/non-privileged account and root). To customize your prompt you will need to modify the PS1 shell variable.

PS1 stands for "prompt string 1" and defines the primary prompt string. If you wanted your command prompt to contain the current username and hostname separated by the "@" character and enclosed in brackets (e.g. [root@hawk] #), PS1 would need to be re-defined with the following command(s):

export PS1="[${LOGNAME}@$(hostname)] # "


PS1="[${LOGNAME}@$(hostname)] # "
export PS1

The shell variable LOGNAME contains the username you logged in with, and $(hostname) will execute the hostname command which will print the name of the current host system. Exporting PS1 makes it available to any subshells you create during the login session.

Since PS1 in this example was re-defined on the command line, it will be lost as soon as you log out. To retain this definition across login sessions you will need to add the previous command(s) to your shell initialization file (.profile if the Korn shell is your default shell).

Korn Shell Arrays

$ colors[0]=RED
$ colors[1]=GREEN
$ colors[2]=BLUE

Alternatively, you can perform the same assignments using a single command:

$ set -A colors RED GREEN BLUE

Adding a dollar sign and an opening brace to the front of the general syntax and a closing brace on the end allows you to access individual array elements:


Using the array we defined above, let's access (print) each array element one by one:

$ print ${colors[0]}
$ print ${colors[1]}
$ print ${colors[2]}

If you access an array without specifying a subscript, 0 will be used:

$ print ${colors[]}

The while construct can be used to loop through each position in the array:

$ i=0
$ while [ $i -lt 3 ]
> do
> print ${colors[$i]}
> (( i=i+1 ))
> done




This software will customize the U3-CDROM to any ISO file you want.

WARNING: Please backup all data on your flash drive before running this software. It is recommended that you backup the U3 CD-ROM before running this software. To do this follow these directions.

    1. Go to My Computer on the Desktop.
    2. Right-Click where it says 'U3-CDROM' are something similar to that name.
    3. Once the menu comes up click 'Open'.
    4. Now simultaneously press 'CTRL' and the 'A' key on the keyboard.
    5. Now simultaneously press 'CTRL' and the 'C' key on the keyboard.
    6. Now go to your desktop and make a new folder (name it anything like U3BACKUP).
    7. Go to your new folder.
    8. Now simultaneously press 'CTRL' and the 'V' key on the keyboard.
    9. Done.


    1. Download the software Universal Customizer
    2. Extract to the Desktop and execute Universal_Customizer.
    3. Insert a U3 Drive into your PC.
    4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
    5. Done.

Updates: Changed the version variable to '*' so it should now customize all U3 Drives without a problem.
New: Packaged the zip file with a command-line ISO maker.

I scanned the files with Norton AntiVirus 2006.

This computer application is not able to make a classic(normal) flash drive U3 compliant.

The pre-packaged 'U3CUSTOM.ISO' file is the loader for the U3 SwitchBlade/Hacksaw.

You might have to run this software 2 or more times before it works properly (you might get an error message) and manually put your files back on the flash drive and re-install your U3 software titles.

To make your own 'U3CUSTOM.ISO' file follow these directions. (XP/NT/2003 Only)

    1. Navigate to the directory where you extracted Universal_Customizer.zip to and open the 'U3CUSTOM' folder.
    2. Copy your custom files* to that folder.
    3. Go to the parent directory.
    4. Execute 'ISOCreate.cmd' (It will create an ISO with the CD name of 'U3CDROM')
    5. Launch 'Universal_Customizer' and your done.

*Use the files in the folder where you backed up your U3 CD-ROM if you want to restore your U3 LaunchPad.

Memorex LaunchPad
SanDisk LaunchPad

How to use these ISO files

    1. Download an ISO from one of the above links to the directory where you extracted UC 1.0.08 to in the 'BIN' folder.
    2. Rename your current 'U3CUSTOM' file to 'U3CUSTOM.OLD' or something(just to keep that file).
    3. Rename your newly downloaded ISO file to 'U3CUSTOM'.
    4. Go to the parent directory and execute 'Universal_Customizer'.
    5. Done.



昨天林翊老大聊起db2move,问知不知道有什么选项可以作client load。很白痴的老实说不知道,呵呵,以前用db2move是基本只用export,而import/load都是用脚本作的。工具的选项只是大概扫过,很多细节问起来还是不查资料不知道的。


db2 9对db2move做了不少扩充,比如copy schema之类的(?印象不深了)。回头有时间仔细讨论一下。恩,以后可以慢慢把重要的好玩的工具慢慢这么搞搞。










1. 将台式机的dvd光驱卸下,于硬盘盒合作当作外置usb光驱。
2. 发现这个台式机有一个compact disk的读写driver,玩玩。。。
3. 当usb光驱到手,那么4010重装就更灵活,玩玩ubuntu和opensuse了:)


SC – Windows service management


SC is a command line program used for communicating with the

NT Service Controller and services.


sc <server> [command] [service name] <option1> <option2>...


The option <server> has the form "\\ServerName"

Further help on commands can be obtained by typing: "sc [command]"


query-----------Queries the status for a service, or

enumerates the status for types of services.

queryex---------Queries the extended status for a service, or

enumerates the status for types of services.

start-----------Starts a service.

pause-----------Sends a PAUSE control request to a service.

interrogate-----Sends an INTERROGATE control request to a service.

continue--------Sends a CONTINUE control request to a service.

stop------------Sends a STOP request to a service.

config----------Changes the configuration of a service (persistant).

description-----Changes the description of a service.

failure---------Changes the actions taken by a service upon failure.

qc--------------Queries the configuration information for a service.

qdescription----Queries the description for a service.

qfailure--------Queries the actions taken by a service upon failure.

delete----------Deletes a service (from the registry).

create----------Creates a service. (adds it to the registry).

control---------Sends a control to a service.

sdshow----------Displays a service's security descriptor.

sdset-----------Sets a service's security descriptor.

GetDisplayName--Gets the DisplayName for a service.

GetKeyName------Gets the ServiceKeyName for a service.

EnumDepend------Enumerates Service Dependencies.


The following commands don't require a service name:

sc <server> <command> <option>

boot------------(ok | bad) Indicates whether the last boot should

be saved as the last-known-good boot configuration

Lock------------Locks the Service Database

QueryLock-------Queries the LockStatus for the SCManager Database


sc start MyService


Would you like to see help for the QUERY and QUERYEX commands? [ y | n ]: y


If the query command is followed by a service name, the status

for that service is returned. Further options do not apply in

this case. If the query command is followed by nothing or one of

the options listed below, the services are enumerated.

type= Type of services to enumerate (driver, service, all)

(default = service)

state= State of services to enumerate (inactive, all)

(default = active)

bufsize= The size (in bytes) of the enumeration buffer

(default = 4096)

ri= The resume index number at which to begin the enumeration

(default = 0)

group= Service group to enumerate

(default = all groups)


sc query - Enumerates status for active services & drivers

sc query messenger - Displays status for the messenger service

sc queryex messenger - Displays extended status for the messenger service

sc query type= driver - Enumerates only active drivers

sc query type= service - Enumerates only Win32 services

sc query state= all - Enumerates all services & drivers

sc query bufsize= 50 - Enumerates with a 50 byte buffer.

sc query ri= 14 - Enumerates with resume index = 14

sc queryex group= "" - Enumerates active services not in a group

sc query type= service type= interact - Enumerates all interactive services

sc query type= driver group= NDIS - Enumerates all NDIS drivers

Word 2007

This is a post from word 2007. It's convenient to post from word directly. With all format.



averatec 2100, 前几天一时**给弄坏了。键盘塌下去一块,带着里面的硬盘一起牺牲了。给客服打电话,就说硬盘有问题了,从开始有坏道到不能识别的过程讲了一遍,然后拿着给的服务号码ups出去了。








奔三866, 384兆内存,60G硬盘,17寸纯平显示器。Sotec品牌。带一对sotec音箱。前置audio,mic,usb还有pc接口。带一普通电脑桌。


Boston Tomorrow

No update these days। I plan to begin some work on relative topics.
I have a draft for Gunning's new books. Sorry to Gunning and Sussan and I will go over it as soon as possible. basicly, I think it is a very different one from what I ever planned.


my leaving letter

Dear brothers/sisters, my friends, as many of you have already known, tomorrow, Jun.8 will be my last working day.

I own you millions of "thank you". For your help, for your understanding, for what I learn from you...

I'm not cute on beautiful words and just have a very simple wish to all of you:

Have a beautiful life! then, a great career!

Especially to my brothers in ISS and LBS, you deserve it. We're friends from battle field. I sincerely wish you would have a better balance of life and career.

My permanent email address is wyhang@gmail.com, and my msn is yhang_wang@hotmail.com which would be the most convenient way to contact me. keep online!:)


With best regards!:)


Change location of your windows system file


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders]
"Cache"="D:\\Temporary Internet Files"
"Personal"="D:\\My Documents"
"My Pictures"="D:\\My Documents\\My Pictures"
"My Music"="D:\\My Documents\\My Music"


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Control\Session Manager\Environment]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer]
"Download Directory"="D:\\Download"

"ProgramFilesDir"="D:\\Program Files"
"ProgramFilesPath"="D:\\Program Files"

Power 6

Power 6 has been released for 4 days.
Power 6 is a great product.
Power 6's coming is one year ealier than I expected.
Power 5 is still the best in the market.
Market। Wall Street.I think so.
The same as why so many employee fired in US.
IBM's more Wall-Street than ever.
I don't like that.


Previewing AIX 6

Delivering new approaches to virtualization, security, manageability and mainframe-inspired continuous availability features to the UNIX® market.

AIX® is an open, standards-based UNIX operating system (OS) that provides the enterprise information technology infrastructure for thousands of clients around the world. IBM intends to take the next step in the evolution of the AIX operating system with the release of the AIX V6.1 OS.

Prior to the general availability of AIX 6, IBM intends to make a pre-release version of AIX 6 available in an open beta1.

New approaches to virtualization

Workload Partitions
AIX 6 introduces a new, software-based, virtualization approach called Workload Partitions (WPAR) that complements the existing IBM System Logical Partitions by reducing the number of operating system images that have to be managed when consolidating workloads. Workload Partitions enable the system administrator to consolidate multiple applications inside of a single running instance of AIX 6.

Each Workload Partition can be separately administered from other WPARs in the system, including separate security and root level user. WPARs obtain a regulated portion of the system resources available to the instance of AIX 6 and share the AIX 6 resources such as kernel resource and I/O.

Live Application Mobility
Workload Partitions can also be moved from one system to another without restarting the application or causing significant disruption to the application end user. This capability, called "Live Application Mobility" will be enabled though a separately offered licensed program product, the Workload Partitions Manager that will generally available at the same time as the AIX 6 OS.


Several significant security enhancements will be delivered in the AIX 6 OS including:

  • Role Based Access Control
    Provides improved security and manageability by allowing administrators to grant authorization for management of specific AIX resources to users other than root by associating those resources with a role that is then associated with a particular system user. Role Based Access Control can also be used to associate specific management privileges with programs, which can reduce the need for run those programs under the root user or via setuid.
  • Trusted AIX
    Trusted AIX extends the security capabilities of the AIX 6 by integrating compartmentalized, multi-level security into the base operating system. Trusted AIX is implemented as an installation option that can provide the highest levels of compartmentalized security to meet critical government and private industry security requirements.
  • Encrypting filesystem
    The IBM Journaled Filesystem Extended (JFS2) adds even greater data security with the capability to encrypt the data in a filesystem. Clients can select from a number of different encryption algorithms. The encrypted data can be backed up in encrypted format, reducing the risk of data being compromised if backup media is lost or stolen. The encrypting filesystem can even prevent the compromise of data even to root level users.
  • AIX Security Expert LDAP integration
    The AIX Security Expert was introduced with Technology Level 5 update to the AIX V5.3 OS, and provides clients with the capability to manage more than 300 system security settings from a single interface. The AIX Security Expert has been enhanced in AIX 6 with an option to store security templates directly in a Lightweight Directory Protocol (LDAP) directory—simplifying implementation of a consistent security across an entire enterprise.
  • Secure by Default installation option
    The AIX 6 installation process will offer a new option, Secure by Default that enables only the minimal number of system and network services to provide the maximum amount of security. Secure by Default works best when used in conjunction with the AIX Security Expert to tightly control the security configuration of each system.


In addition to the manageability enhancements delivered as part of Workload Partitions, Workload Partitions Manager and the security features of the AIX OS, there are other features that will be delivered to enhance the manageability of the AIX 6 OS including:

  • Graphical Installation
    This new installation option is intended primarily for use by administrators with limited prior experience with AIX installation. Graphical Installation simplifies the installation process but includes options to navigate to the traditional installation menus if required.
  • Network Installation Manager support for NFSv4
    The Network Installation Manager (NIM) has been enhanced to provide additional security and flexibility by enabling the use of NFS version 4. NIM can use NVSv4 to provide stronger, Kerberos based security during the installation of AIX 6 and other software.

Continuous availability features

Over the years, the AIX OS has included many reliability features inspired by IBM's mainframe technology. The release of AIX 6 introduces unprecedented continuous availability features to the UNIX market:

  • Kernel support for POWER6 Storage Key
    This AIX 6 feature brings a mainframe-inspired reliability capability to the UNIX market for the first time. Enabled by the IBM POWER6 processor, Storage Keys can reduce the number of intermittent outages associated with undetected memory overlays inside the AIX kernel. Applications can also use the POWER6 storage key feature to increase the reliability of large, complex applications running under the AIX V5.3 or AIX 6 releases.
  • Concurrent AIX kernel update
    Concurrent AIX updates provides a new capability to deliver some kernel updates as Interim Fixes that will not require a system reboot to put into effect. This can reduce the number of unplanned outages required to maintain a secure, reliable system.
  • Dynamic tracing
    AIX 6 provides a new dynamic tracing capability that can simplify debugging complex system or application code. This dynamic tracing facility will be introduced via a new tracing command, probevue, that allows a developer or system administrator to dynamically insert trace breakpoints in existing code without having to recompile the code.
  • Enhanced software first failure data capture
    One of the key innovations used to improve the reliability, availability and serviceability of the AIX OS is the introduction of First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) technology. First Failure Data Capture, a concept borrowed from the mainframe, gathers diagnostic information about problems at the time the problem occurs-dramatically reducing the need to recreate the problem (and impact performance and availability) at a later time just to generate diagnostic information.

    AIX 6 builds on the FFDC capabilities introduced in previous AIX releases by introducing even more instrumentation to provide real time diagnostic information.

POWER6 processor exploitation

Like the predecessor releases of the AIX OS, Version 6.1 fully exploits the newest POWER processors, the IBM POWER6™ processor. Some of the POWER6 processor features that will be exploited by AIX 6 include kernel exploitation of Storage Keys, and automatic page size optimization.

Binary compatibility

AIX 6 is binary compatible with previous releases of AIX Version 5 as documented in the AIX binary compatibility statement. 32-bit and 64-bit AIX V5.1, V5.2, and V5.3 applications can be executed on AIX 6 without recompilation as long as those programs are well behaved and do not utilize programming techniques that are explicitly identified as non-portable. 32-bit applications written for AIX V4.1, 4.2, or 4.3 can be executed on AIX 6 without recompilation as long as those programs meet the same standards for well behaved programs.

Open beta program

For the first time ever, IBM intends to make a pre-release version of AIX 6 widely available prior to the general availability of the release. The open beta program for AIX 6 will allow clients to download, install and run an early version of AIX 6 on suitable IBM systems in a non-production, non-supported mode.

This open beta program is planned for the middle of 2007 and is intended to provide clients with an opportunity to gain early experience with AIX 6. Open beta participants will be able to download preconfigured installation images from the open beta Web site and test many of the features of the AIX V6.1 release including Workload Partitions.

No formal support will be provided beyond a Web forum where participants can discuss the program with other participants and report problems.

More information on the open beta program can be found at open beta Web page.

1All statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.


using SSD instead of platter disks

I believe in near future there will be a big change on the storage system। SSD will be the current. What would it bring to us DBers? here's a letter from oracle newsletter:

"Donald K.urleson"

Using tiny data buffers with solid-state disks

When using SSD instead of platter disks, the Oracle architecture changes radically, and we have two options:

Option 1: Large RAM data buffers, solid-state disk files (SSD)

In this option we have higher overhead within Oracle, as he tries to manage the heap to reduce I/O, which is now a negligible time expense (RAM-to-RAM data transfer is very fast).

Option 2: Small RAM data buffers with solid-state disk files (SSD)

In this option we force a read from SSD into a tiny data buffer. The overhead of the repeated loads is negligible, and we have spaced Oracle from having to manage a giant db_cache_size.

SSD has the same super-fast access speeds, plus it backs-up to disk without effecting performance (SSD has much higher I/O bandwidth than disk). Bandwidth is very important today, especially with the current plague of super-large disks. Disk bandwith is more important than RAM speed, which has been relatively "flat" for the past 30 years, while everything else (disk, network, CPU) sees radically improved speed every year.

Today, many Oracle database have shifted from being I/O bound (a 32-bit RAM constraint) to CPU bound (data buffer gets drive-up CPU consumption. This I/O shift led Oracle to make the great change to the cost-based SQL optimizer. Traditionally, the decision trees were built from estimated I/O costs, and this default change in 10g such that the SQL optimizer (the CBO) build his decision tree values based on estimated CPU costs. (This is why Oracle shops that are not 64-bit (I/O bound) will want to change the costing back to the earlier value of "_optimizer_cost_model"=io.

The only reason for having a data buffer cache is to reduce the probability of having to re-read the data block repeatedly from disk. When we have no more disk, the data buffer becomes redundant.

It would not surprise me if a future release of Oracle allowed for solid-state disks and removed the data buffer cache, but for now, the SSD block must be transferred into the data buffer to allow Oracle to manage the locks required for integrity and read consistency.

If we think of the data buffer as nothing more than a place for Oracle to set locks, then we can understand why a smaller data buffer has faster performance. If we have duplicitous RAM (once on the SSD and yet again in db_cache_size), then we see higher management overhead from Oracle:

Large data buffers take more time for standard management tasks (i.e. DBWR), and in many cases, smaller is better.

Read more about Oracle SSD tuning as this article continues:






getting cold

Have been getting cold for two days. very uncomfortable.
I just feel unhappy that why cannot she accept so basic a term. I believe what I do is for our best. I can sacrify much but I just cannot afford too further in career. Is it too difficult to understand?
Love is not let you lose everything, is not to just limit you on side.


Band 7

Just saw the note from my direct manager saying my promotion to Band 7 is OK and will be effective from Jun.1.
No much feeling of happiness, anyway, I'll leave IBM China after three hard-working years. But it's good, though I think it is a little too late. I believe that I deserve.
Future road is still need much effort to struggle and I cannot care too much about the trival feeling and time difference. It's getting harder when I go to US, and I should try my best to find my way out.
It's not time to summarize but time to further plan the future.


DB2 packages: Concepts, examples, and common problems

John Chun (chunj@ca.ibm.com), DB2 Advanced Support Specialist, IBM
Paolo Cirone (pcirone@ca.ibm.com), DB2 Advanced Support कोन्सुल्तंत




leave request approved

Jun.8 will be my last working day. Three years and two months.

it's a very difficult decision.

But when done, feel easy now.


why DPF?

it's topic I droped on the usenet and I expect some detailed discussion and we can have a deeper and broader knowledge on this expensive DB2 UDB feature।

Hi gurus, I know many of you are very senior DBAs and experts from IBM
internal, so I really want to know your advice on this basic topic.
"why dpf?"

usually there's a rumor, em, I believe it's a rumor, that DPF can help
you get greater performance, so even only one server, many IBM
presales will sell DPF feature with the performance story. DPF
license is not a cheap one:)

I believe DPF is much more for scalability than performance.

I believe that only when your data/table is larger than non-DPF can
serve, or you have to use more than one server, you use DPF.

how about your opinion? can you list the reasons you use DPF? Thank

150,000 U.S. layoffs for IBM?

NOTE: all below is from the link above.

Last year I wrote a series of columns on management problems at IBM Global Services, explaining how the executive ranks from CEO Sam Palmisano on down were losing touch with reality, bidding contracts too low to make a profit then mismanaging them in an attempt to make a profit anyway, often to the detriment of IBM customers. Those columns and the reaction they created within the ranks at IBM showed just how bad things had become.

Well they just got worse.

This is according to my many friends at Big Blue, who believe they are about to undergo the biggest restructuring of IBM since the Gerstner days, only this time for all the wrong reasons.

The IBM project I am writing about is called LEAN and the first manifestation of LEAN was this week's 1,300 layoffs at Global Services, which generated almost no press. Thirteen hundred layoffs from a company with more than 350,000 workers is nothing, so the yawning press reaction is not unexpected. But this week's "job action," as they refer to it inside IBM management, was as much as anything a rehearsal for what I understand are another 100,000+ layoffs to follow, each dribbled out until some reporter (that would be me) notices the growing trend, then dumped en masse when the jig is up, but no later than the end of this year.

LEAN began last week with a 10-city planning meeting for Global Services, which wasn't, by the way, to decide who gets the boot: those decisions were apparently made weeks ago, though senior managers have been under orders to keep the news from their affected employees.

If you work at IBM Global Services, ask your boss outright if you are on the list to be fired. It puts the boss in a bind, sure, but might lead to a sort of "Alice's Restaurant" effect in which hypocrisy is confronted and exposed.

LEAN is about offshoring and outsourcing at a rate never seen before at IBM. For two years Big Blue has been ramping up its operations in India and China with what I have been told is the ultimate goal of laying off at least one American worker for every overseas hire. The BIG PLAN is to continue until at least half of Global Services, or about 150,000 workers, have been cut from the U.S. division. Last week's LEAN meetings were quite specifically to find and identify common and repetitive work now being done that could be automated or moved offshore, and to find work Global Services is doing that it should not be doing at all. This latter part is with the idea that once extraneous work is eliminated, it will be easier to move the rest offshore.

All this is supposed to happen by the end of 2007, by the way, at which point IBM will also freeze its U.S. pension plan.

The point of this has nothing to do with the work itself and everything to do with the price of IBM shares. Remove at least 100,000 heads, eliminate the long-term drag of a defined-benefit pension plan, and the price of IBM shares will soar. This is exactly the kind of story Wall Street loves to hear. Palmisano and his lieutenants will retire rich. And not long after that IBM's business will crash for reasons I explain below.

I am told there is a broad expectation at all levels of IBM familiar with the LEAN plan that it will cause huge problems for the company. Even the executives who support this campaign most strongly expect it to go down poorly with employees and customers, alike. But in the end they don't care, which shows that only the reaction of Wall Street matters anymore.

So we can expect round after round of layoffs, muted a bit -- as they were back in the Gerstner days -- by some of those same people being hired back as consultants at 75 percent of their former pay (50 percent of their former cost to the company since they won't be getting benefits). Throw in some overtime and it won't look bad on paper for the people, but it is also very temporary.

Taking a pure business school approach to this news, it probably doesn't look so bad for IBM. What's wrong with a multinational corporation moving work to its own overseas divisions? Squint hard enough and it can even look like good management. Global Services IS overweight and inefficient. Something has to be done and the company has already considered (and apparently rejected) a range of options, right up to putting Global Services on the auction block.

The problem with LEAN is that offshoring on this scale creates huge communications and logistical problems, doesn't generally improve customer relations, and won't save money for years without the parallel gutting of the pension plan.

And it is just plain mean.

This is a policy based on perception. Streamlining and downsizing look good to customers unless it is their project that is being chopped, because implicit in LEAN is that Global Services will be eliminating not just employees but customers, too -- customers whose contracts were underbid and whose projects may never be profitable for IBM. Maybe such axing of customers is necessary, probably it is inevitable, but it hardly has a ring of corporate honesty. Customers to be dropped haven't yet been notified, either.

It is especially disconcerting for an action of this scale to take place at a time when many companies (including IBM) are complaining about a shortage of technical workers to justify a proposed expansion of H1B and other guest worker visa programs. What's wrong with all those U.S. IBM engineers that they can't fill the local technical labor demand? They can't be ALL bad: after all, they were hired by IBM in the first place and retained for years.

What is unstated in this H1B aspect of the story is not that technical workers are unavailable but that CHEAP technical workers are unavailable. Lopping off half the technical staff, as Global Services is apparently about to do, will eliminate much of the company's traditional wisdom and corporate memory in an act that some people might label as age discrimination.

The worst part of all is that nobody at IBM I have talked to thinks this can or will help the business. It will probably just speed up the death spiral.


发信人: Microsystem (clam), 信区: ChineseClassics
标 题: 国学最低书目 ZT
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 6 03:55:11 2007)
















刚在mitbbs上看到的,觉得有意思। n久没有动过这方面的脑筋了:)

4.将MxN的矩阵转秩,要求O(1)的空间复杂度.参考群论中cyclic group,group
7.写一个singleton pattern的例子
8.vector vs. arraylist, growth strategy & complexity
9.在C++文件中只declare class A, 但不以任何方式define class A, 是做什么用
10.virtual function
11.讨论html vs. xhtml vs. xml


MySQL AB and IBM Announce Open Source Database Support

But I really feel interest that how many customers will use mysql on a i series server. As to me,it's nearly impossible.


MySQL Conference & Expo 2007, Santa Clara, Calif. -- April 25, 2007 -- MySQL AB and IBM today announced a joint technology and reseller agreement to bring support for the MySQL open source database to the IBM System i business computing platform.
The two companies will work together to offer the MySQL Server for i5/OS, the flagship operating system for System i, and plan to deliver DB2 for i5/OS as a certified MySQL storage engine on the System i platform. This will allow System i customers to implement online and transactional MySQL applications while storing all data in a single, easy-to-manage DB2 database.






据路透社报道,作为世界第二大软件制造商,在本周三美国加州圣塔·克拉拉举办的 MySQL用户会议上,IBM公司领导携手MySQL宣布了合作计划。目前MySQL公司为私营性质,主要开发标准化版本的MySQL开放资源数据库,公司的盈利主要来自于服务、升级、技术支持以及维护等项目。


合作协议中表明,未来IBM和MySQL的产品将互相间容,这也意味着MySQL的开放资源数据库将兼容IBM旗下的System i系列商务电脑,例如IBM的i5操作系统 DB2数据库,另外IBM还将开始MySQL数据库的销售。在一份正式声明中,IBM公司发言人表示,虽然在此之前一直与MySQL处于竞争关系,不过在发现用户的实际需求之后,IBM依然决定化干戈为玉帛。



Known issues for DB2 on HP-UX

This document describes known HP-UX issues, related to DB2® database products.
Three most recent additions.
  • November 6, 2006. HP-UX 11i v2 - Itanium Architecture.
    Application with unbound threads traps with SIGBUS.
  • November 15, 2005. HP-UX 11i v2 - Itanium Architecture.
    Create Database operation fails with SQL1366 error because of unsatisfied symbol in libIO77.so.1
  • August 23, 2005. HP-UX 11i v2 - PA-RISC Architecture.
    DB2 client running on HP-UX cannot connect to DB2 database running on AIX®.

Known issues when running DB2 9 on HP-UX
  • November 6, 2006. HP-UX 11i v2 - Itanium Architecture.
    Multi-threaded DB2 application, which is using unbound (MxN) threads, traps with SIGBUS.

    The problem is described in HP defect JAGag20888 and was fixed in the HP-UX 11i v3. The fix for HP-UX 11i v2 should be available in the middle of 2007.

Known issues when running DB2 Universal Database™ (DB2 UDB) Version 8 on HP-UX

  • November 15, 2005. HP-UX 11i v2 - Itanium Architecture.
    CREATE DATABASE fails with SQL1366N error. db2diag.log shows "Unsatisfied code symbol 'ots_verify' in load module '/usr/lib/hpux64/libIO77.so.1'".

    The problem was caused by HP patch PHSS_32231 and fixed by the patch PHSS_33424
  • August 23, 2005. HP-UX 11i v2 - PA-RISC Architecture.
    After upgrading HP-UX to 11i Update 2 (11.23.0409), DB2 client running on HP-UX hangs, attempting to connect to database on AIX.

    TCP clients advertise the incorrect window size if the server machine or operating system does not provide the window scaling option (see http://docs.hp.com/en/5990-8153/ch07s36.html)
    The problem is fixed by the patch PHNE_32606. Also, the connection problem could be fixed by executing the following HP-UX command:
    ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_recv_hiwater_max 65535

Known issues for DB2 on Solaris Operating Environment

This document describes known Solaris issues, related to DB2 database products.
Three most recent additions.
  • November 15, 2005
    DB2 trap on Solaris 8 when using with FASTGROUPS registry variable.
  • October 24, 2006
    Performance degradation with Solaris 10 and Solaris 10 Update 1.

Known issues when running DB2 Version 9 on Solaris:

Solaris 10

  • Performance degradation with Solaris 10 and Solaris 10 Update 1
    due to significant increase of CPU User Time (up to 30%).

    The problem is a result of a bug in a Page Coloring mechanism, identified in SUN's CR 6337073. This bug was fixed in the kernel patch 118833-02, though it is recommended to install Solaris 10 Update 2, which comes with kernel patch 118833-17. Another way of fixing the problem is setting consistent_coloring = 2 in /etc/system.

Known issues when running DB2® Universal Database (DB2 UDB) Version 8 on Solaris:

Solaris 8

  • DB2 UDB traps on Solaris 8 when using FASTGROUPS registry variable.

    The DB2 UDB instance traps in a dlopen(NULL, RTLD_NOW) call. The problem is related to a SUN linker bug and was fixed in the patch 109147-40.

Solaris Physical Memory

在机场। 这次出门要和solaris打交道,准备一下,看到这张图,顺手就贴了上来।

现在休息室,惊闻广播里找"Fan Jian Nan"। 服务员念的时候似乎有些犹豫,要不就是生疏,呵呵,效果更是搞笑了। 同情一下这位兄弟,不知道现在哪个角落喝可乐吧?:)


I applied this with service of google App with $10.

Now I can provide email address as yourname@betterdba.com, actually, it's gmail but something special.

www.betterdba.com is under building and due to ghs.google.com is prohibited in China now we cannot connect to it directly. I'll move it to somewhere else later when finishing things here.

If you want a account, send a mail to wyhang@betterdba.com and tell me who you are and what user name you want to use.



ebooks download

strongly recommend!


六个周末没休息,那么算起来连续35天左右没休息了. 最近两个星期又多熬了几个夜班,身体上真是一塌糊涂. 最近常常觉得心跳不正常,觉得有时候好像喘不过气来.心里都有些害怕自己会过劳死了.

上上周就跟老板说了希望把wentao弄回来,我这里已经顶不住了,希望wentao五一期间帮忙照看一下pmis那边的事情吧. 上周五去怀柔,本来说两天的结果变成了4天,我很快就觉得自己已经不行了,终于不得不把yitao从济南请来替一下.


现在算是在调休. 调前拼命找人,弄得好像在偷懒一样. 真不爽.

前几天和老板谈过了,如预期一样loa是没有可能的. 想想就这么会离开这个拼命工作了三年的地方,心里还是感觉很不爽,有一种压力石头一样压在心头. 不是对future的担心,而是有些觉得自己好像只是经过了一场单相思而已. 干活拼命那是本分,和其他任何事情是没有关系的.


好好工作,在这里一天,就好好干. 但求无愧于心. 全哥说的对,做好自己的事情就好了,不要对别人对你怎样做太大的期望. 就是这样子吧.


DB2 on Solaris x86

no support. really a bad news. a very very old news.

recalled today.

get the link as http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,1751651,00.asp

IBM's decision not to test, certify and support its enterprise software applications on Solaris 10 for x86 platforms has angered Sun Microsystems Inc. officials, who say the move smacks of monopolistic behavior.

Larry Singer, vice president of Sun's Global Information Systems Strategy Office, in Santa Clara, Calif., told eWEEK that the move is even more surprising given that IBM has committed to supporting Solaris 10 on Sun's SPARC hardware for its enterprise software applications, including DB2, WebSphere and Tivoli.

Solaris 10 for SPARC and x86 is due by the end of March.

"They are telling us they don't anticipate sufficient customer support for Solaris 10 on x86, and that is the reason," Singer said. "But the real reason for this move is they just don't want the volume of Solaris business on x86 to continue to grow. That is not in their interest."


long leave







舒马赫亮相瑞丙足球联赛 进球助球队赢保级战

北京时间4月1日上午,F1车王舒马赫亮相瑞士足球丙级联赛,代表自己的埃希新斯二队(FC Echichens II)迎战FC Chêne Aubonne队。舒米身披8号球衣在上半场第20分钟为球队攻入一球,而对手则在比赛中罚失一粒点球,最终埃希新斯二队以3-2战胜了对手赢得了保级的 关键一役。



设置方法:打开控制面板中的"显示" 选择外观(appearance)-高级(advanced),然
然后单击 添加到自定义颜色(Add to custom colors),按“OK”...一直OK。
(Accessibility),然后勾选 不使用网页中指定的颜色(ignore colors specified on
web pages),然后点“OK”退出。



2007-04-02- E1021855H589 LEVEL: Error
PID : 5448 TID : 4648 PROC : db2syscs.exe
APPHDL : 0-657 APPID: AC107318.5B04.070402075313
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerGetFMPIPC, probe:70
MESSAGE : ADM11002E Insufficient shared memory available for communication
with the db2fmp process. Use the DB2_FMP_COMM_HEAPSZ registry
variable to increase the amount of shared memory available for fenced

2007-04-02- I1022446H495 LEVEL: Severe
PID : 5448 TID : 4648 PROC : db2syscs.exe
APPHDL : 0-657 APPID: AC107318.5B04.070402075313
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, routine_infrastructure, sqlerGetFMPIPC, probe:60
RETCODE : ZRC=0x8B0F003B=-1961951173=SQLO_NOMEM_UND
"No memory available in 'Undefined Heap'"
DIA8300C A memory heap error has occurred.



上午,从家到民生西单,35大洋;然后到民生安定门,35大洋;下午忽然说得马上去上海,所以今天晚上去上海的火车票是肯定废了; 金融街找渣滓同学要火车票、西直门退票然后回家,100大洋;晚上要去洋桥找zhoubo同学值夜班,又得100多大洋;赫赫,路上的一天啊:)

本来想改成明早去上海,但计划是永远赶不上变化的। 明天还得去怀柔:(




db2 HA fallover problem

DB2 HA on two AIX server A and B, HACMP take over test is OK.
but when we issue"halt -q" on on server A, B can take over all the resource of A but it is very slow when it come to "db2start", 16nodes start cost 30 minutes।
some problems about networking is reported:
1. the service ip of B is moved to another interface. also the service ip of A is moved to the same interface.
2। "Interface has failed on node PDBA","Interface is now available on node PDBA". 7.3 is bootip of B.

I have to leave on tomorrow, and suggest 800 support। wait for further progress.



发信人: pigging (近猪者,吃), 信区: Career_Plaza
标 题: Re: 第一次,摔得很重~~~~
发信站: 水木社区 (Tue Mar 27 01:37:40 2007), 站内

【 在 wxycufe (elaine) 的大作中提到: 】
: 没心思找男朋友,都据了,报应把
: 不过既然读到了硕士,就不想靠男人养了~~~~~~~~~~

发信人: oldbug (我要从你们的屏幕中爬出来给你们拜年), 信区: Stock_SMIF
标 题: 我崇拜pigging
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Mar 21 20:44:54 2007), 站内



今天看tanzhi同学拿了新的T60p,心里也权衡了一下自己是不是愿意花自己的米买一台. 结论是看看有没有替代品:)

T60看起来有点傻乎乎的,感觉式样和外壳的材质比T4*系列都有下降. 如果说T4*是稳重中透着睿智,那么T60就有点做稳重状但决无睿智可言了. 虽然偶一面的印象说明不了大问题,不过心里想如果自己买本的话是不是应该去看看hp的nc6000?

中午打了一个比较长的电话,短电话很多,然后就觉得不舒服. 也许正好是下午困了的原因,反正头疼. 想怕不是被辐射坏了吧. 以后还是得带耳机.

最近三个周末了都没有休息过,中间更不用说,有点招架不来了। 人要是在北京呢,还可以东奔西跑的想办法,可就不能出门!最近出差家里就没有消停过।有时候想抽自己,别人找来的时候总是尽量挤时间出来,还安排的紧紧的,真是找不自在。整天很累,想听点安慰的话,结果得到的是冷言冷语:你别以为你现在做的怎么样了,要是老板真当你重要早就如何如何了云云,心里就一下子沉下来,象被泼了冷水,想分辨什么但又不知道从哪里说起.干活的时候客户很buyin的感觉是很好的,但有时候又觉得回报了了,这感觉实在是有些灰心.

看到新东西,想到新办法或者更好的办法现在就想能不能bundle成一个solution在客户中推广. 觉得team里面应该有一个小组,研究我们可以提供怎样的solution,怎样更优. 作为一个onsite support team,如果只是单纯的做product support,而且也不可能做到产品internal去,这就缺少长久的value.

从个人角度,在最初的几年,team里面能接受的锻炼是非常有价值的. 自己的经历自己了解,清晰的过程,也是在不断的犯错误和改正错误, 从开始接受并传播某种观点到思考怀疑试图改进某些观点.

今天客户问我们是不是有专门的consutant设置?因为他觉得我现在做的就是这样的事情. 哦,可惜不是.在这里太多次都是匆匆来匆匆去,前后一两个小时,动嘴远多于动手,这个感觉其实很好. 觉得实在是受益于这两年高强度的训练和花了不少力气研究的os和storage,这力气花的很值:)



post-relational database

Actually,I know it from one of google adsence ADs and find this one, "Caché", interesting। say, google ADs let me know more about the database tools market:)

  1. A powerful, multidimensional transaction engine that includes the ability to create distributed databases।
  2. Unified data architecture uniting the power of objects with high performance SQL।
  3. A suite of technologies and tools that provide rapid development for database and web applications.
  4. Native, object-based XML and Web Services support. For more information on Caché's XML features refer to Using XML with Caché.
  5. Automatic interoperability via Java, EJB, JDBC, ActiveX, .net, C++, ODBC, XML, SOAP, and more.
Seems to be a powerful database, has a lot advantages over existing widely used DBMSes। But, I suspect the performence, I don't think it can deliver a stronger performance than existing DBMSes. It claims that it has a lot of customers over the world...

There's a need, there's a new idea, then there's the money. trust it.


亵渎是第一部让我一直跟下去的网络小说,大作,绝对的大作। 不过开始阶段的行文太黑暗了,以致于好几次都看一点然后就放弃了। 直到06年春节在家实在无聊了才又拿出来,然后就不再释卷了।

亵渎 http://www.booksky.biz/Directory.aspx?BookID=1952&SortID=5534

尘缘是烟雨江南继亵渎之后的又一大作, 行文风格和亵渎最后阶段的转折一脉相承। 文字更优美,措辞也更考究,是网络小说中难得的精品। 不过也因为过于讲究,也就缺了亵渎的流畅,不够痛快淋漓।


顺便说一下,linyi老大自称也曾经叫过烟雨江南... 这个您老是肯定抢不回来了:)




I like what Oracle RAC delivers, it's very appealing। ,But,You know, everything has its shortcomings, though sounds perfect।

"RAC provides transparent application failover for reads (if you use Transparent Application Failover and their thick JDBC client), but not for writes."

DB2 CAS can avoid this by serving with buffering with SQL in CAS server and utilize two or more same databases... I know DB2 CAS will be very new to the majority, but it is. I think it's the real one(from IBM) can be compete to Oracle RAC. more, since CAS is seperated from databases, so it can be configured in various way. It also can support websphere HA.

interesting SQL, consolidate time period

it's post on usenet, intersting problem, let think about it. Siege had given the answers.

Given a very simple table of events, with
their durations, I want to consolidate time periods for an event that
(1) touch each other or (2) overlap each other.

(event_id VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
start_date DATE NOT NULL,
end_date DATE NOT NULL,
CHECK (start_date <= end_date),
PRIMARY KEY (event_id, start_date, end_date));

VALUES ('Pie Eating', '2009-01-01', '2009-01-02'),
('Pie Eating', '2009-01-03', '2009-01-05'),
('Pie Eating', '2009-01-04', '2009-01-07'),
('Pie Eating', '2009-02-01', '2009-02-07');

The goal is to reduce these three rows into fewer rows that show how
many days we were eating pies.

('Pie Eating', '2009-01-01', '2009-01-07')

The first and second rows in the INSERT INTO statement touch each
other and can be replaced with:

('Pie Eating', '2009-01-01', '2009-01-05')

The third row will overlap with this new row and can be consolidated
with it, as shown before. However, the fourth row has data that
occurs a month after the first three and it is disjoint from all the
other rows.

db2 prior to v8.2, gcc @ AIX

Just with ZhaoYong, configure gcc compiler for DB2 on AIX 5L।

we found the article in comments is very useful, but I just cannot find who the author is...




db2icrt error

Just now,met with a DBI1703E error when issuing db2icrt command.
I checked the db2nodes.cfg, hostname, /etc/hosts, /etc/services and found no problem.
after a short difficult time, customer said they changed the host name...
then, reboot, everything is OK...
some material I get from Internet, also FYI in comments...



I think most of you is familiar with the ON/OFF/RECOVERY/CAPTURE, but do you know the difference?

OFF --- circular logging, no log retain, no rollforward, no online backup
\ /
CAPTURE -- line logging, log retain, no rollforward, no online backup
\ /
ON/RECOVERY -- line logging, log retain, no rollforward, no online backup

Jone Casey gives a summary as below:
"let's quickly review the LOGRETAIN options to make sure you understand the functions and requirements of each option. This discussion is intended to help you determine whether the LOGRETAIN value of CAPTURE is appropriate for your environment. Also, a good understanding of SQL replication is assumed (see the Resources section).

The default value for the LOGRETAIN parameter is NO. The NO option provides support for logical unit of work backout, but does not provide support for roll-forward recovery. The log files are managed in a circular manner. This option can be set by either the UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command or through the DB2 Control Center.

The other documented option for LOGRETAIN is RECOVERY. The RECOVERY option provides support for both logical unit of work backout and roll-forward recovery. The log files are retained to support roll-forward recovery, and you must manage the storage and disposition of the log files. This option can be set by either the UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command or through the DB2 Control Center. When you change the LOGRETAIN option to RECOVERY, you must take a database backup before the database is usable.

The third and undocumented option for the LOGRETAIN parameter is CAPTURE. The CAPTURE option provides support for logical unit of work backout, but does not provide support for roll-forward recovery. The difference between the NO and CAPTURE options is in how the log files are managed. With the CAPTURE option, the log files are retained so that the DB2 SQL replication Capture program can read changes from the log files. This option does not require a database backup, and the log files need only be retained until the SQL replication program Capture finishes processing the changes contained in the log files. Also, you can only set this option with the UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command."
by Jone Casey, "Manage DB2 log files in an SQL replication environment"




这一版里感觉最喜欢的还是孙mm扮演的冯程程,可爱,其实也没甚么大小姐架子,不过也许是因为碰到克星了吧:) 程程在上海滩是个可怜角色.

最认可的是丁力,把这个人物的成长刻画的非常清楚,这样的丁力才比较服众,其实到后期丁力的表现比许文强要好太多了। 不过刚出场够ws,想到后面程程要嫁给这么个角色,真t दौब्लें d不爽। 到后面就开始觉得其实嫁给丁力要幸福多了। 可惜程程心里还要一个酷酷的许文强।

许文强这个人物,当初发哥那一版酷弊,前无古人后无来者। 这一版的黄小明同学倒也够酷,可惜更多是貌似很酷,抬着眼皮看人让你想痛扁之,不过mm们可能更喜欢?:) 前期牛劲冲天,后期优柔寡断还有些妇人之仁। 至于他的感情,太墨迹了,愚蠢透顶। btw他开始出场的时候我怎么看怎么觉得有点象在模仿古天乐। 呵呵। 相比之下,还是丁力让人放心। 许开始的一点匪气在扮酷赚够了mm们的眼光后就消失殆尽,能力消失了,只剩下"吊"了। 死原则,该死的家伙। 开始的时候打天下的时候怎么不说呢? 再说,也没有象他这样替人办事的।要不是有大小姐的原因,我宁愿相信他早就被干掉了!

冯敬尧刻画的我觉得也比上一部成功, 黑道老大,一个不错的父亲, 非常真实।